
Implementation of DeepMind paper - "Learning to Navigate in Complex Environments"

Primary LanguagePython

Maze Navigation using Reinforcement Learning


TensorFlow implementation of ideas in the DeepMind paper "Learning to Navigate in Complex Environments". The baseline architecture is GPU-based A3C from the paper "Reinforcement Learning through Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic on a GPU". Full report.


  • TensorFlow 1.0
  • DeepMind Lab
  • Python plugins - numpy, cv2, pygame

Getting Started

Dowload and install DeepMind Lab

$ git clone https://github.com/deepmind/lab.git

Build it following the build instructions

Clone repo inside the lab directory

$ cd lab
$ git clone https://github.com/tgangwani/GA3C-DeepNavigation.git

Add the bazel instructions at the end of lab/BUILD file

    name = "GA3C-DeepNavigation_train",
    srcs = ["GA3C-DeepNavigation/GA3C.py"],
    data = [":deepmind_lab.so"],
    main = "GA3C-DeepNavigation/GA3C.py",

Then run bazel command to run the agent

bazel run :GA3C-DeepNavigation_train --define headless=osmesa

Use PLAY_MODE=False in Config.py for training. Setting PLAY_MODE=True loads model parameters from a checkpoint and runs a single agent. A display is expected.


The neural net architecture is the same as in the paper, but for the loop-prediction loss.


1. Nav_maze_static_01

Live Agent


Learning Curve

2. Stairway to melon

Live Agent


Learning Curve


Unreal code by miyosuda