PoterPedia is dynamic and responsive website containing information about magical creatures, like Dragon, Winged Horse and many more, in wizarding world.
In adddition to this, wesite also contains some amazing features like quizz to reain user on the website.
- Login and Authentication
- Search bar functionality
- Adding to favourites
- List containing description of magical creatures and characters
Using our web application is simple and does not have any complexity. The home page contains of the way to all the features contained in the web application. The first section is header containing navbar and login button, followed by section of magical creatures, then having quiz section and characters divided on the basis house.
First section is heder containing nav-bar to navigate through home page and login button which will lead to login page, where user is allowed to login or sign up, if he does not have an account. After login user is allowed to access all the features of the website. next section contains creature list, which user can excess once login. Team has curated list of 79 unique creatures, each having their own brief description. User can add desired creature into their favourite list, clicking on the checkbox, and will be redirected to the same page. The user can also search particular creature using seach bar, which will also show suggestion follwing user writing a letter or two. Will be redirected to the page, from where can also add into favourite. User does not need to worry about same creture being added to the list multiple times, the algorithm is set in such a way that the list conatins only unique creature. As soon as user logins, the Login button on homepage changes to conatining username. Clicking on which, user can see all the favourites that was added by him.
The other two sections conatins quizzes, three to be more precise, followed by charcter section where user can find character divided on the basis of the houses in Harry Potter series. Quiz is the section the potterhead should must try out.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- Bootstrap
- Google Fonts
- Node Modules
- Express
- Body parser
- Mongoose
- Lodash
- Bcrypt
- JsonWebToken
- Cookie parser
- Dotenv
- Can not load the page of the storyline quiz, despite of having nil error.
[Include instructions on how other developers can contribute]
- Harsh Bhanderi - hbhanderi148@gmail.com
- Henish Trada - tradahenish94@gmail.com