
To-Do reminder app that exposes RESTful APIs

Primary LanguagePython

To-Do Reminder App

Project Overview

This is a Django-based To-Do Reminder application that allows users to manage tasks with features like adding, editing, and deleting tasks. The backend uses Python Django and PostgreSQL for the database, while the application is deployed on Render.


  • Add a New To-Do Task
    • Title, description, priority, due date, and completion status can be set
  • Display List of To-Do Tasks
    • Tasks are displayed in order of priority and due date
  • Edit a To-Do Task
    • Update any field of a task
  • Delete a Particular Task
    • Remove a single task using its unique ID
  • Delete All Tasks
    • Clear the entire list of tasks

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Python, Django
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Hosting: Render

Setup and Installation

1. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/harsh0c/todo_django.git

2. Install Dependencies

Ensure Python 3.10+ but not 3.13 is installed. Use the requirements.txt file to install dependencies:

   pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the project root with the following:
Configure DATABASE_URL if want to use PostgreSQL :


4. Apply Migrations

Initialize the database schema:

python manage.py migrate

5. Run the Server

Start the development server locally:

python manage.py runserver

6. Access the App

Visit to interact with the application.

Running Tests

1. Run the Tests

Execute the test suite to ensure all functionalities work as expected:

python manage.py test

2. Testing with SQLite

The project is also configured to use SQLite when running tests. No additional setup is required. To run tests, uncomment the code in todo_app/settings.py and simply execute:

   python manage.py test