College Management is a one-stop website for students and teachers. It allows interaction between students and teachers. On this website teachers can post assignments, enter marks and attendance and students can download assignment files,submit their solutions,check marks and attendance in respective subjects. To run website:
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Python
- Django
- Django-Crispy-Forms
Run the file in College_Management directory using following command:
python runserver
Go to to run the website.
To login as a student or as a teacher use the following username and password:
For student: username: divya, password: clgmgmtdivya
For teachers: username: rajesh, password:clgmgmtrajesh
To see the database tables, go to use the following credentials to login:
username:admin, password: clgmgmtadmin
Student User Interface:
Teacher user Interface: