TensorFlow Lite Cough Classification

Getting Started


  • Python 3.5+
  • Keras 2.1.6 or higher
  • pandas and pandas-ml
  • TensorFlow 1.5 or higher

Sick and Not Sick Dataset

The dataset has 24 audio each for the sick and not sick people under data/* folder. https://osf.io/4pt2s/


In this example, only 2 classes will be picked for TensorFlow not sick, sick

Audio Processing

Data generation involves producing raw PCM wavform data containing a desired number of samples and at fixed sample rate and the following configuration is used

Samples Sample Rate Clip Duration (ms)
24 16000 5000

Model Architecture

It is mostly a time stacked VGG-esque model with 1D Convolutions for temporal data such as audio waveforms. A one-dimensional dilated convolutional layer serving as the context convolution (context_conv) is employed to extract a wider field of the data. This is followed by a dimensionality reduction in the reduce_conv layer which employes 1-D MaxPooling to reduce the number of parameters passed to the subsequent layer.


The model can be trained by running train.py


python train.py [-h] [-sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE] \
              [-batch_size BATCH_SIZE] \
              [-output_representation OUTPUT_REPRESENTATION] \
              -data_dirs DATA_DIRS [DATA_DIRS ...]

Example of training the model

python train.py -sample_rate 16000 -batch_size 64 -output_representation raw -data_dirs data/train


After the training the model for 100 epochs, the following confusion matrix was generated for assessing classification performance.

Predicted silence sick not_sick
silence 20 0 0
sick 0 16 8
not_sick 0 11 13

Built With

