
Create subdomains for AWS without diving into the AWS SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Create subdomains for AWS without diving into the AWS SDK

Build Status Coverage Status


First install this module with npm install aws-subdomain --save.

var subdomain = require('aws-subdomain')({
  accessKeyId: 'your-id-here',
  secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-here',

subdomain.create('i.wear.sho.es', function (err, result) {
  // handle error/result

subdomain.delete('i.wear.sho.es', function (err, result) {
  // handle error/result

We will find the correct HostedZoneId based on the root domain, e.g. 'sho.es' and will create/delete the subdomain for you.


npm install aws-subdomain -g
aws-subdomain new.shiny.po.ny -i [awsAccessKeyId] -s [awsSecretAccessKey]

Can also pass -a with 'upsert', or 'delete'. The default is to 'create'.

By default the AWS credentials come from environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, but can be overridden with -i and -s respectively.


npm test
# or for TAP output
node test


  • Add event for completion of change
  • Add upsert functions
  • Support promises
  • Add default baseDomain to options/integrate with actions.