Website for the book Adversarial Deep Learning, powered by jekyll
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To run the website locally:
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
Navigate to http://localhost:4000 on your browser.
Pull requests are welcome, but make sure the following criteria are satisfied:
- If you are (possibly) breaking an existing feature, state this explicitly in the PR description.
- Commit messages should be in present tense, descriptive and relevant, closely following the GNOME Commit Message Guidelines.
- Adding tags to the message is optional (for now). Commits should not have git tags unless they indicate a version change.
- Documentation should be updated when the API is modified.
- All required status checks must pass. Barring exceptional cases, relevant tests should be added/updated whenever necessary.
- Barring exceptional cases, Codacy should not report any new issues.
- Follow the general style of the project. Badly written or undocumented code might be rejected.
- If you are proposing a modifications to an existing one, create an issue first, explaining why it is useful.
- Join the slack channel for discussion SAiDL Season Of Code 2021
- Be nice!
For more information about the project's setup, please read, ⭐ us if you liked the work.