Laravel 8 Docker Starter

Build Docker

docker-compose build

Run Docker Containers

docker-compose up -d

Configuring Laravel

DB_HOST=mysql - This name comes from the MySQL service we created in the docker-compose.yml file, and is used in the Docker network to reference the service from other containers.

APP_URL=http://localhost:8080 -  Add in the port number you’ve exposed in our nginx container to keep this pointing at a resolvable address.

Access MySQL Database

All you’re going to do is use as the host, along with the port you’ve exposed under the MySQL service in our docker-compose.yml file (which for this example we’ve kept as the default 3308)

Database: docker-laravel Username: root Database: 1234

Running Commands

Laravel utilizes the command line fairly often for things like migrations, queues, and tests. Executing these on our Docker network is super easy using docker-compose’s exec command.

docker-compose exec php php /var/www/artisan migrate
