
kafka consumer/producer examples

Primary LanguageJava

This application consumes messages from kafka topic. Make sure Kafka and zookeper are up and running on the machine we want to run kafka consumer.

Instructions for Kafka setup : http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#quickstart

Build the Jar : gradle clean build fatjar -x test

Run the application :

java -jar [jarForApplication] [topicName] [groupName] [brokerHostAndPort] [offset]

We need to pass 4 command line arguements : topicName, groupName, brokerHostAndPort and Offset to start the application.

Ex : java -jar build/9984d94/kafka-consumer-9984d94-all-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar test-topic group1 localhost:9092 100

After you start the application, you will see the current offset and updated offset. You can type exit anytime to quit the consumer.