
This repository contains code that I have written on my journey learning the Rust programming language. Hence I am calling it 'Rusting-Up'.

Primary LanguageRust


This repository contains code that I have written on my journey learning the Rust programming language. Hence I am calling it 'Rusting-Up'.


Day 1

Created a first conventional Hello World program, and then the same program, but using Cargo. Learnt about some Rust program conventions, and some command lines. Finished Chapter 1.

Day 2

Jumped to Chapter 3. Finished testing out different scenarios possible with immutable variables, making them mutable, and shadowing variables. Also tested constants.

Day 3

Learnt about integer scalar data type.

Day 4

Learnt about floating point scalar data type.

Day 5 - 8

Learnt about the remaining scalar types- character and boolean variables. Then learnt about the Compound type variables- Tuples and Arrays.

Day 9

Learnt about Rust functions.

Day 10

Learnt about basic comments in Rust and added comments to the functions project.