
Python package for getting weather forecast

Primary LanguagePython

This is a PyPI package "dopplerweather". Provides a weather forecast of next 12 hours. Arguments needed are:

  1. openweathermap apikey of user.
  2. either a city name or both a latitude and a longitude.

Package usage example: Create a weather object using a city name: The api key below is not guaranteed to work. Get your own apikey from https://openweathermap.org/ And wait a couple of hours for the apikey to be activated.

Using city name

weather1 = Weather(apikey = "4b0286c52ef756c37eb4cc5a9a28e842", city = "Pune")

Using latitude and longitude co-ordinates

weather2 = Weather(apikey = "4b0286c52ef756c37eb4cc5a9a28e842", lat = 41.0, lon = -4.1)

Get complete weather data for the next 12 hours:


Get simplified weather data for the next 12 hours:


Sample url to get sky condition icons: https://openweathermap.org/img/wn/10d@2x.png