RooFit Development - Intuitive Python bindings for RooFit


This report outlines the deliverables completed for the RooFit project, as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2021 program, under the CERN-HSF organization. Part of the ROOT project, RooFit is a statistical modelling library that is widely used in particle physics experiments. The core functionality of RooFit is to enable the modeling of “event data” distributions, where each event is a discrete occurrence in time, and has one or more measured observables associated with it. RooFit maps mathematical data model components to C++ objects, each symbol is represented by a separate object.

This project aims to simplify complex workflows and enhancement of the python interface, greatly reducing the amount of code that has to be written. A pythonization is a piece of code that injects some new behaviour in a ROOT class, e.g. to add new methods, to make the class iterable from Python or to override arithmetic operators. Pythonizations can be implemented in Python or in C++ (via the Python/C API). In order to make it easier to use ROOT from Python, or to use a more pythonic syntax, PyROOT provides many pythonizations for ROOT classes. In the RooFit pythonization framework, each pythonized class has a pure python mirror class.

Callback is a function or callable object taking two arguments: the Python proxy class to be pythonized and its C++ name. In cppyy, Python callbacks, can be written to lazily pythonize a class:

def my_pythonization(klass, name):
    # Parameters:
    # klass: class to pythonize
    # name: string containing the name of the class
    ...adding member function to klass, etc...

Following pythonizations have been implemented along with formatting and pythonization of tutorial files, making them more pythonic and less verbose.

RooFit functions that take Command Arguments

  • PR 1 : Pythonization of all functions, such that they take keyword arguments instead, by lazily pythonizing classes and using mirror classes. List of Constructors and functions that take command arguments. Here is an example,

Directly passing RooCmdArgs,

mcstudy = ROOT.RooMCStudy(
    ROOT.RooFit.FitOptions(ROOT.RooFit.Save(True), ROOT.RooFit.PrintEvalErrors(0)),

With keyword arguments,

mcstudy = ROOT.RooMCStudy(
    FitOptions=dict(Save=True, PrintEvalErrors=0),

Another Example, Directly passing RooCmdArgs,

model.fitTo(data, ROOT.RooFit.Extended(ROOT.kTRUE), ROOT.RooFit.Save())

With keyword arguments,

model.fitTo(data, Extended=True, Save=True)

RooFit DecayType enum

  • PR 2 : Some RooFit functions and Decay class constructors take enum values as parameters. This PR pythonizes the constructors which take DecayType enums to accept string values. Here is an example :
ROOT.RooDecay("decay_gm", "decay", dt, tau, gm, ROOT.RooDecay.DoubleSided)

With Pythonizations, Keyword arguments with string values:

ROOT.RooDecay("decay_gm", "decay", dt, tau, gm, DecayType="DoubleSided")

RooGlobalFunc Functions and Implementing matplotlib Color/Style conventions

  • PR 3 : Pythonization for accepting keyword arguments for nested arguments in form of a single value, list, tuple or dictionary and accepting simple color/style conventions from matplotlib.

Default bindings for nested command arguments,

model.createHistogram("hist", x, ROOT.RooFit.Binning(50), ROOT.RooFit.YVar(y, ROOT.RooFit.Binning(50)))

With RooCmdarg Pythonizations,

model.createHistogram("hist", x, Binning=50, YVar=(y, Binning=50))

Here is an example for color/style conventions from matplotlib, that have been implemented :

pdf.plotOn(frame, ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed))

Passing strings instead of enum values is now supported:

pdf.plotOn(frame, LineColor="kRed", LineStyle="kDashed")

With the command argument pythonization:

pdf.plotOn(frame, LineColor="r", LineStyle="--")

Translated RooFit tutorial files

  • PR 4 : Translates all RooFit tutorials to Python. Issue
  • PR 6 : This PR fixes a problem with the implicit creation of RooFit collections from python collections, where the integer zero is now interpreted as a RooConst and not as a nullptr (Changed signature of constructor to take RooAbsArg by reference). Migrates the RooFit pyROOT tutorials to use python lists instead of RooArgList. Added a translation of the rf408_RDataFrameToRooFit tutorial to pyROOT.
  • Implementing implicit conversion from list/tuple to RooFit collections for RooArgList and RooArgSe.

Dictionary, RooCategory Pythonizations for RooFit

  • PR 5 : This PR implements a Pythonization for every function in RooFit that takes a std::map to also take a Python dictionary.

Using RooFit functions that take a std::map led to code being too verbose, for example:

# Alternative constructor form for importing multiple histograms
ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("std::pair<std::string, TH1*>", "map;string;TH1.h")
ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("std::map<std::string, TH1*>", "map;string;TH1.h")
hmap ="string, TH1*")()
hmap.keepalive = list()
hmap.insert(hmap.cbegin(), ROOT.std.pair("const std::string,TH1*")("SampleA", hh_1))
hmap.insert(hmap.cbegin(), ROOT.std.pair("const std::string,TH1*")("SampleB", hh_2))
hmap.insert(hmap.cbegin(), ROOT.std.pair("const std::string,TH1*")("SampleC", hh_3))
dh2 = ROOT.RooDataHist("dh", "dh", ROOT.RooArgList(x), c, hmap)

With dictionary pythonizations,

dh2 = ROOT.RooDataHist("dh", "dh", [x], c, {"SampleA": hh_1, "SampleB": hh_2, "SampleC": hh_3})

Another example of the dictionary pythonization is the RooCategory constructor:

mixState = ROOT.RooCategory("mixState", "B0/B0bar mixing state", {"mixed": -1, "unmixed": 1})

tagFlav = ROOT.RooCategory("tagFlav", "Flavour of the tagged B0", {"B0": 1, "B0bar": -1})

RooWorkspace pythonizations

The RooWorkspace has several member functions to access stored objects that only differ by the type the object is casted to.

  RooAbsPdf* pdf(const char* name) const ;    
  RooAbsReal* function(const char* name) const ;    
  RooRealVar* var(const char* name) const ;    
  RooCategory* cat(const char* name) const ;    
  RooAbsCategory* catfunc(const char* name) const ;    
  RooAbsData* data(const char* name) const ;    
  RooAbsArg* arg(const char* name) const ;    
  RooArgSet argSet(const char* nameList) const ;
  • PR 7 : Pythonizes the RooWorkspace class by implementing the keyword pythonization for RooWorkspace::import() and implementing __getitem__ to get dictionary-like syntax to access objects in the workspace.

Documentation using Doxygen

  • PR 8 : Adding doxygen code at function level for the pythonizations and reformatting/refactoring previously added documentation. Documentation of the RooFit pythonizations is done such that it can be picked up by the scripts that generate the doxygen code