
Hello World Spring Boot

Primary LanguageShell

A Hello World Spring Boot App

Pipeline Diagram



There are total 3 workflows

  1. create_repository.yaml
    1. This is first workflow that gets executed when the code is pushed to master branch
    2. It creates the docker hub repository using terraform.
    3. terraform code resides under terraform directory at the root level
  2. build.yml
    1. This workflow gets executed when Create dockerhub repository workflow succeeds.
    2. Builds docker image
    3. Push docker image to dockerhub
  3. security_scan.yaml
    1. This workflow gets executed when Build and Push workflow succeeds.
    2. Runs vulnerability scan for the uploaded image


Once image is uploaded, we now need to deploy and test the solution. To deploy the solution, kindly refer to scripts/deploy.sh script. Pre-requisites for deployment

  1. docker -> in started state
  2. curl
  3. bash shell

Execution step

  1. Run cd scripts && chmod +x deploy.sh && ./deploy.sh
  2. curl http://localhost:8080 => should return Hello World response


jib build is failing for some reason, didn't have much chance to investigate into more details due to time crunch. I have commented that particular workflow.