PyTorch implementation of Highway Networks

Implementation of Fully Connected Highway Networks found in this paper. They ease the gradient based training of very deep networks.


  • Python3
  • numpy==1.13.1
  • torch==0.2.1+a4fc05a
  • torchvision==0.1.9

Getting started has Fully connected and Highway models for Deep Nets.

FcNet = models.FCModel(input_size,output_size, numLayers, hiddenDimArr, activation) #hiddenDimArr denotes the hidden layers dimensions
HfcNet = models.HighwayFcModel(inDims, input_size, output_size, numLayers, activation, gate_activation, bias) #inDims is to change the input to a desired dimension

After initialization to use them we just call the forward method.

fcOut = FcNet.forward(input)
HfcOut = HfcNet.forward(input)

For a more elaborate example check out


The deafult initializations are:

  • ReLU activation function
  • Sigmoid activation for the gates
  • xavier initialization of weights
  • biases are initialized to -1


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