CustomerBets Api built for Tech Challenge using .Net Core
Tech Challenge - Customer Bets Api
Blue print for API can be found in located adjust to this file
Testing API
Postman scripts are included at
Also separate Web application is built to test the Race endpoint at
To Run this application locally,
1. Build the solution locally using Visual Studio 2017
2. In case of build errors due to nuget packages - Restore the nuget packages using command "dotnet restore" Reference
3. Press F5 and then access below URls
http://localhost:3095/customer - a list of customers
http://localhost:3095/bets/customer - total amount bet per customer
http://localhost:3095/bets/customer/1 - all bets placed for a customer
http://localhost:3095/bets/customer/total - total amount bet for all customers
http://localhost:3095/bets/customer/total/1 - total bet amount placed for a customer
http://localhost:3095/races - a list of today's race and horses associated with each race
Tools/Nuget packages used for development
Visual Studio 2017 - For main development
AutoMapper - To map entities to Dto
NLog - To Log (only basic logging is done, it can be extended further)
Newtonsoft.Json (to Serialize/Deserialize Json)