A Node.js library to parse text out of any office file. Currently supports docx, pptx, xlsx and odt, odp, ods..
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UnknownErrorException bad XRef entry
#44 opened by ladrians - 3
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Can not use officeParser on lambda AWS
#34 opened by ndltuan - 1
Code hangs indefinitely without error in Azure Functions with package deployment
#45 opened by JonathanVelkeneers - 1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split') at Object.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/officeparser/officeParser.js:719:115)
#46 opened by jeanmachuca - 5
"Error occured while reading the file buffers" on Vercel / production environment
#16 opened by philohelp - 4
Errors with bulk processing
#33 opened by b-hexsoul - 2
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OutOfMemory Error processing some xlsx files
#40 opened by ladrians - 0
Bump up pdfjs-dist build as a local library
#36 opened by santiagohg1 - 2
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Can't show anything while parse my pptx file
#43 opened by bestony - 1
Support for .dot files
#41 opened by cawood402 - 2
Strange tests were introduced
#30 opened by c121914yu - 1
Tempfile is not deleted when incorrect file type is given even if preserveTempFiles is false
#32 opened by Pascaltib - 4
There is an issue when I install "officeparser" with the document loader pptx, terminating all my tRPC API.
#25 opened by hozaifa4you - 1
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Using the current time to form a temp file name can lead to errors when multiple files are being processed in parallel
#20 opened by gsbelarus - 1
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PDF file support
#18 opened by lau1944 - 3
(Question): How do I get line breaks?
#10 opened by davidkcyip - 7
reading the file from the buffer
#13 opened by bigansh - 1
Fix vulnerable dependency
#12 opened by Notice-Jeroen-Meijer - 9
Can't parse OpenDocument text file
#2 opened by SoftwareIISGubbio - 6
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Add functions promise support
#4 opened by eerFun