This Ruby Gem is meant to scrape and parse results from Google, Bing or Baidu using SerpApi.
The following services are provided:
Serp API provides a script builder to get you started quickly.
Feel free to fork this repository to add more backends.
Ruby 2.1+ must be already installed:
$ gem install google_search_results
require 'google_search_results'
client = "coffee", serp_api_key: "secret_api_key" )
hash_results = client.get_hash
This example runs a search about "coffee" using your secret api key.
The Serp API service (backend)
- searches on Google using the client: q = "coffee"
- parses the messy HTML responses
- return a standardizes JSON response The Ruby class GoogleSearchResults
- Format the request to Serp API server
- Execute GET http request
- Parse JSON into Ruby Hash using JSON standard library provided by Ruby Et voila..
- How to set SERP API key
- Search API capability
- Example by specification
- Location API
- Search Archive API
- Account API
- Search Google Images
- Search Google News
- Search Google Shopping
- Google Search By Location
- Batch Asynchronous search
The Serp API key can be set globally using a singleton pattern.
GoogleSearchResults.serp_api_key = "secret_api_key"
client = "coffee")
The Serp API key can be provided for each client.
client = "coffee", serp_api_key: "secret_api_key")
client_params = {
q: "client",
google_domain: "Google Domain",
location: "Location Requested",
device: "desktop|mobile|tablet",
hl: "Google UI Language",
gl: "Google Country",
safe: "Safe Search Flag",
num: "Number of Results",
start: "Pagination Offset",
api_key: "Your SERP API Key", # copy paste from
tbm: "nws|isch|shop",
tbs: "custom to be search criteria"
async: true|false # allow async
# define the search client
client =
# override an existing parameter
client.params[:location] = "Portland,Oregon,United States"
# search format return as raw html
html_results = client.get_html
# search format returns a Hash
hash_results = client.get_hash
# search as raw JSON format
json_results = client.get_json
(the full documentation)[]
see below for more hands on examples.
We love true open source, continuous integration and Test Drive Development (TDD). We are using RSpec to test our infrastructure around the clock to achieve the best QoS (Quality Of Service).
The directory test/ includes specification/examples.
Set your api key.
export API_KEY="your secret key"
Install RSpec
gem install rspec
To run the test:
rspec test
or if you prefers Rake
rake test
location_list = "Austin", limit: 3).get_location
pp location_list
it prints the first 3 location matching Austin (Texas, Texas, Rochester)
:name=>"Austin, TX",
:canonical_name=>"Austin,TX,Texas,United States",
:target_type=>"DMA Region",
:gps=>[-97.7430608, 30.267153],
:keys=>["austin", "tx", "texas", "united", "states"]},
a search to get a search_id.
client = "Coffee", location: "Portland")
original_client = client.get_hash
search_id = original_search[:search_metadata][:id]
Now let retrieve the previous search from the archive.
client =
archive_client = client.get_search_archive(search_id)
pp archive_search
it prints the search from the archive.
client =
pp client.get_account
it prints your account information.
client = 'cofffe', tbm: "isch")
image_results_list = client.get_hash[:images_results]
image_results_list.each do |image_result|
puts image_result[:original]
# to download the image:
# `wget #{image_result[:original]}`
this code prints all the images links, and download image if you un-comment the line with wget (linux/osx tool to download image).
client ={
q: 'cofffe', # search client
tbm: "nws", # news
tbs: "qdr:d", # last 24h
num: 10
3.times do |offset|
client.params[:start] = offset * 10
news_results_list = client.get_hash[:news_results]
news_results_list.each do |news_result|
puts "#{news_result[:position] + offset * 10} - #{news_result[:title]}"
this script prints the first 3 pages of the news title for the last 24h.
client ={
q: 'cofffe', # search client
tbm: "shop", # shopping
tbs: "tbs=p_ord:rv" # by best review
shopping_results_list = client.get_hash[:shopping_results]
shopping_results_list.each do |shopping_result|
puts "#{shopping_result[:position]} - #{shopping_result[:title]}"
this script prints all the shopping results order by review order with position.
With Serp API, we can build Google search from anywhere in the world. This code is looking for the best coffee shop per city.
["new york", "paris", "berlin"].each do |city|
# get location from the city name
location ={q: city, limit: 1}).get_location.first[:canonical_name]
# get top result
client ={
q: 'best coffee shop',
location: location,
num: 1, # number of result
start: 0 # offset
top_result = client.get_hash[:organic_results].first
puts "top coffee result for #{location} is: #{top_result[:title]}"
We do offer two ways to boost your searches thanks to async
- Non-blocking - async=true (recommended)
- Blocking - async=false - it's more compute intensive because the client would need to hold many connections.
company_list = %w(microsoft apple nvidia)
puts "submit batch of asynchronous searches"
client ={async: true})
search_queue =
company_list.each do |company|
# set client
client.params[:q] = company
# store request into a search_queue - no-blocker
search = client.get_hash()
if search[:search_metadata][:status] =~ /Cached|Success/
puts "#{company}: search done"
# add result to the search queue
puts "wait until all searches are cached or success"
client =
while !search_queue.empty?
client = search_queue.pop
# extract search id
search_id = search[:search_metadata][:id]
# retrieve search from the archive - blocker
search_archived = client.get_search_archive(search_id)
if search_archived[:search_metadata][:status] =~ /Cached|Success/
puts "#{search_archived[:search_parameters][:q]}: search done"
# add back the search
puts 'all searches completed'
This code shows a simple implementation to run a batch of asynchronously searches.
GoogleSearchResults.serp_api_key = ""
client = "Coffee", location: "Portland")
pp client.get_hash
BaiduSearchResults.serp_api_key = ""
client = "Coffee")
pp client.get_hash
Serp API supports Google Images, News, Shopping and more.. To enable a type of search, the field tbm (to be matched) must be set to:
- isch: Google Images API.
- nws: Google News API.
- shop: Google Shopping API.
- any other Google service should work out of the box.
- (no tbm parameter): regular Google client.
The field tbs
allows to customize the search even more.
The full documentation is available here.
Contributions are welcome, feel to submit a pull request!
To run the tests:
export API_KEY="your api key"
rake test