
Designed for iOS and android, connects to giphy api to generate random gifs

Primary LanguageDart


A new Flutter project.

How to get started

  • install flutter from flutter.dev
  • run flutter doctor -v to ensure environment is set up appropriately
  • have either a physical device connected or an emulator open
  • open the application and run


  • Flutter application that has one widget that contains an image and a button
  • Button triggers an api call to Giphy that retrieves an image url for a random gif
  • If you'd like to customize behavior, add your api key in and manage through the giphy developer dashboard


For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

This application gets random gifs and displays it centered on the front page

Special Thanks to:

  • Rap Payne for running workshop on building this application
  • Developer Student Clubs at University of Texas at Dallas