
Real-Time-Chat is a MERN Stack Chatting App. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Time Chat Application

Real-Time-Chat is a MERN Stack Chatting App. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database. This application also supports multiple client connections to the server simultaneously, allowing users to send and receive messages in a shared chatroom environment.

Tech Stack

Frontend: React.js and Chakra UI for dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
Backend: Node.js, Express.js to handle server-side logic and connectivity.
Database: MongoDB Atlas for efficient and flexible data storage.



Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/harshau9/Real-Time-Chat-App.git

Go to the project directory & Install dependencies

  npm install
  cd frontend/
  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Start the Client

  //open now terminal
  cd frontend
  npm start


Signup and Login User

signup login

Initial Page

initial screen

Real Time Chatting with Typing indicators


One to One chat


Group Chat

group chat

Search Users

search 2

Create Group Chats

create Group chat



Change Group Name or Add or Remove users from group

update group

View Your User Profile


View Other User's Profile

receiver profile