
Dockerfile for building image with Ansible - Using Ansible in a Docker Container

Primary LanguageShell


Dockerfile for building image with Ansible - Using Ansible in a Docker Container

Pre-requisites: Linux machine with docker running.

Installing docker in Ubuntu/Debain

# sudo apt-get update

# sudo apt-get install docker.io


Build the Docker image using the Dockerfile.

# docker build -t <"image_name"> .

This will build the image using ubuntu with ansible.

Running the built image as container and testing.

# docker run -it <image_id> /bin/bash

Inside the conatiner you will be able run ansible commands. Verify it by using simple Ansible ad-hoc command.

# ansible local -m ping -u root -k # Default password for root is "docker".

Change the password of the root user as required in Dockerfile or after entering into the conatiner. To add hosts/hostgroups edit /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

If the target host is AWS instance use --private-key <.pem> with ansible command

Reference: https://fabianlee.org/2017/06/04/ansible-installing-ansible-on-ubuntu-14-04/