
This Lambda code and SAM template together ensure that CloudTrail Logging is not disabled by accident.


  • Cloudtrail should be already configured with logging turned ON.

The SAM template creates the following resources:

  • 1 Lambda Function
  • 1 IAM Role with 1 Managed Policy and 1 Custom Policy
  • 1 CloudWatch Event that triggers the Lambda function when it sees the StopLogging event from CloudTrail

High level flow

Once set up, this would work as follows:

  • Customer accidentaly turns OFF logging
  • Cloudwatch event catches this and immediately triggers the Lambda function
  • Lambda calls the StartLogging API to turn logging back ON

Additional Considerations

  • Email triggers can be setup using the Cloudwatch event side to further notify of this activity
  • Alternatively, the code can be also be expanded to provide SNS notifications