
A simple python program that is invoked for all health events that occur in your account, then sends a text message using twilio to a number specified in your lambda environment variable.


  • Setup Twilio account and number here to obtain Account SID, Auth Token and a 'from' phone number.

The SAM template creates the following resources:

  • 1 Lambda Function, python 2.7 with 4 environment variables
  • 1 IAM Role with 1 Managed Policy
  • 1 CloudWatch Event that triggers the Lambda function when it sees any health related event

High level flow

Once set up, this would work as follows:

  • When a health related event shows up in your account(PHD). Cloudwatch event captures it and invokes the Lambda function
  • The Lambda function uses the environment variables configured to communicate with twilio to send the text message with the event description and the URL of the PHD event

Additional Considerations/Limitations

  • For voice based notifications refer to this blog post