
A Restaurant Landing Page | Made with ReactJs | Has all the infomation of the restaurant, menu and Chef.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Aroma Website

☀ Inspiration

I recently visited a 3 Star Restaurant, the food was great but I fortunately opened there website, a slow unprofessional website came up, which was not updated from 2018. That day, I decided to build a website that looks good, have a great UI and should be responsive at any cost. And here the result is RESTAURANT LANDING PAGE.

✨ What it does

It has all the necessary information of the restaurant, the menu, the history and also some words from the Chef. Also has the address and contact info of the restaurant.

🛠 How we built it

JavaScript : For Making clean UI

ReactJs: For it's awesome features

🚧 Challenges we ran into

The main challenge came up when I have to fetch data from the file to the webpage, I can do it statically but then there would be no learning, so a lot of documentation, videos help me do that.

💪 Accomplishments that we're proud of

Finally able to achieve a great Website that works well on all sizes.

Sat for straight 9 hours to complete the project solo.

Didn't lose any hope, even when I was unable to solve the problem.

I just love the UI of the project.

🤓 What we learned

Learned and Practice ReactJs- advanced tools and optimized way to work with.

Well, revised my CSS a lot more than I expected.

🤔 What's next for GERICHT

  • A feature to order food from restaurant via other vendors directly on the website

  • A video of the restaurant

  • Adding A photo gallery


Aroma Website2

Aroma Website3

Made Reponsive for 3 Sizes:

  • 2000px

  • 1150px

  • 650px

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