This repository aims at helping new Java developers. It contains examples of simple programs and algorithms.
The following main topics have been contributed in this repository.
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Android Projects
- Machine Learning
- Networking & Security
- Objected-Oriented Programming (OOPs)
Each of the main topics have been divided into further sub categories.
Topic | Collection |
Data Structures | LinkedList, Heaps, Arrays, ArrayLists, HashMaps, Trees, Graphs, Stacks, Queues, Deque |
Algorithms | Sorting, Searching, BFS, Dijkstra, Dynamic Programming, NQueens |
Android Development | Weather Report, GithubProfile App, DiceRoller, Password Generator, MemeShare App, CountDown Timer, Book Finder, Notepad App, Birthday Wish App, BMI Calculator, Compass App, Tic Tac Toe App, Voting App, Age Calculator |
Machine Learning | Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, KMeans2d |
Networking & Security | Socket, Key Pair, Signature, Socket Programming, Thread Programming |
Operating System | ProducerConsumer |
OOP | Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Manipulators |
Visit the Data Structures repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
- Big Integer
- LinkedList, Circular LinkedList
- Max and Min Heaps, Priority Queues
- ArrayList
- HashMap, HashSet, TreeMap
- Loops
- Segment Tree, Tree Traversal, Fenwick Tree
Visit the Algorithms repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
- Breadth First Search, Depth First Search
- Counting Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Topological Sort, Bubble Sort
- Dijkstra
- Binary Search, Interpolation Search, Ternary Search
- Segment Tree, Tree Traversal
Visit the Android Development repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
- Countdown Timer App
- Github Profiles App
- Meme Share App
- Password Generator App
- Weather Report
- Book Finder
- Dice Roller
- Notepad App
- Birthday Wish App
- BMI Calculator
- Compass App
- Tic Tac Toe App
- Voting App
- Age Calculator
Visit the Machine Learning repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
Visit the Network & Security repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
- Socket Programming
- Thread Programming
- Columnar Cipher
- Rectangular Parity
- Key Pair
- Signature
- SecureRandom
Visit the OOP repository if you would like to see examples for the following Java programs.
This project is founded by Sarvesh Dubey and actively maintained by Kunal Mali . A Machine Learning Developer And GCI - 2019 Mentor @tensorflow