Driffle Notes App

To view the project live Click Here.

2023-06-22 11-23-54


  • User can add, edit and even delete notes.
  • Used localstorage for better privacy.
  • Implemented search functionality
  • User appealing interface

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Firebase (Hosting), Material UI



driffle note home

Search View

driffle search

Edit Functionality

driffle edit note

Delete Functionality

driffle delete

Use this this project locally

- Download or Clone the Repo
- Open the downloaded folder in any terminal or Code-Editor
- After opening the folder type command `npm install` (It will download all the useful packages and libraries required to run the project)
- After completion of "npm install", type "npm start" (the project will open in new tab of browser and run on port 3000)
- Congrats, You just started the project locally.

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