
This repository contains the code for the IMG-API project.


Back-end & Front-end by HARSH


Set-up Firebase Realtime Database

  1. Download APIKEY from Firebase

  2. Make file credentials.json and copy-paste that APIKEY of Firebase into it

Running the Front-End

To run the front-end of the project, follow these steps:

  1. Open Face-Attendance-System directory in Your IDE

  2. Navigate to the Client directory :-> cd Client/

  3. Install the required dependencies by running :-> npm install

  4. Start the front-end development server :-> npm start

This will start the development server and open the project in your default web browser.

Running the Model and Back-end

  1. Create a virtual env :-> conda create -p venv python -y
  2. Activate venv :-> conda activate ./venv
  3. Install the requirments.txt file :-> pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run app.py on port 2000 :-> uvicorn app:app --host --port 2000

This will start models and back-ends api on port 2000

Ignored Files and Directories

The following files and directories are ignored by Git and should not be pushed to the repository:

  • .vscode/
  • __pycache__/
  • venv/
  • Client/node_modules/
  • credentials.json

Make sure to keep these files and directories out of version control.