
The official repository for Programming Tools Project

Primary LanguagePython

Programming Tools Project

In this project, we'll be making a realtime system monitoring tool, which can spy on a system anonymously and send to the tracker, the system's data and actions over the internet. This project will be primarily implemented in C/C++ and Python3. We'll use tools like make and PyBuilder for build automation.

Group Members - Divya Chadha, Gaurav Tibrewal and Harshit Budhraja!!!!!!!!

Brief Overview of the structure

The tool will consist of two major components -

  • A server API, which will grab the actions and data from all the multiple PC's which we are monitoring and display the data appropriately.
  • A trojan horse which will be injected into the victim's PC for monitoring purposes.

The linux server will host scripts in PHP. The backend model will deploy a MYSQL database which will hold the logs from the victim PC's. The trojan horse will run several python and C scripts on the victim's machine and transfer the sensitive data to our servers.

For demonstration purposes, we'll be using a sub-domain on Harshit's Private Server, the end-point to which is https://apps.arachnis.org/pt-project/. However, for testing, we will be simulating this in XAMPP's local server, which has the same configuration as any other linux server.

Development Guidelines

If you are well-versed with Git VCS (Version Control System), the repository is divided into several branches. So, we'll be making separate branches for our work, and will merge it with our master branch, only when the code and build is stable. Noone will directly push to the master branch, as all the changes will be reviewed by each of us before implementation.

How to start ? (For Divya and Gaurav)

  1. Fork this repository to your account.

  2. Once forked, open cmd/terminal/git bash on your computer and type git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE/PT-Project.git and press enter. This will clone the repo from your github account to your computer. Note that, this will be your copy of the complete code.

  3. Now, on YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE/PT-Project, create a new branch with your desired name. This will be done on Github and not on your computer.

  4. After a branch is created on Github, you need to import that new branch on your computer. Open cmd/terminal/git bash and navigate to the project's folder. In there, type git fetch and press enter. In the output, you'll see a new branch.

  5. Now, if you write git status, it'll show you on which branch you are on, currently. To switch branches, write git checkout BRANCH_NAME and press enter. Now, you'll be on your desired branch.

Once you are on your desired branch, make necessary changes or code there.

  1. To implement that code in our main code, your first push the changes to your Github account. To do this, write git add ., git commit -m "ANY_MESSAGE" and finally git push origin BRANCH_NAME.

  2. After this, open the branch on Github and create a pull request considering the base fork as harshitbudhraja/master and head fork as YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE/BRANCH_NAME.