Input is taken from a json file with fields:
1. input_path: Path to input directory (Can contain folders or files)
2. dir_name: Name of the folders to be created
3. sub_dir_name: Events and Enrollments
4. class_names: Name of classes
5. output_path: Name of intermediate output folder to be created
6. discard_folder_name: Name of the folder to be discarded. It should be set to none, if no file is to be discarded.
7. delay: Delay in seconds

Output: Folder named data, consists of events and enrollments sub-folders. Each of these sub-folders consist of 4 edges, followed by 5 classes. Events consists of folders 
which then consists of images, where as enrollments consists of images which is distributed equally amongst all edges and classes


1. tree : A dictionary that stores the relative path and files associated with it.
2. number_of_files : Number of files to be moved to enrollments and events


1. Files can't be discarded if the name of the file isn't known.
2. Intermediate output, is deleted once the code is executed completely.