
Uthaan is the journalism and recreational club of the institute, by the students for the students. This forum has been formed to enable the overall development of the students in all facets of life.

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The frontend repository of the official Uthaan website.

UI : https://www.figma.com/file/4ib9cjt5RqNcD3OzMDNais/Uthaan's-Website

Features Implemented

1. Home Page

  • Navigation bar at the top allows for easy navigation between pages.
  • Footer of the page gives an overview of contact details and links to pages.


2. Events Page

  • Gives a collection of the various events conducted throughout the year by the club, linked to the respective posts on the official Instagram handle.


3. Shows Page

  • Lists all the shows organized, giving the title, thumbnail, date and description, linked to their respective videos on the official YouTube channel.


4. Articles Page

  • All the articles published under Uthaan's The IIITM Narrative publication are accessible here, sorting by either Newest First or Oldest First.


5. Interviews Page

  • All the articles published under Uthaan's PlaceKode publication are accessible here, sorting by either Newest First or Oldest First.


6. Gallery Page

  • Displays a curated list of pictures from the activities organized by the club.


7. Team Page

  • Get to know the team working behind the scenes here, with respective contact details.


8. Contact Us Page

  • Gives the contact details to connect and drop a message to us in the form provided on the website.

Contact Us

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uthaan uthaan uthaan @uthaan uthaan uthaan