In 1847 the Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis makes a breakthough discovery: He discovers handwashing. Contaminated hands was a major cause of childbed fever and by enforcing handwashing at his hospital he saved hundreds of lives.
In this python project we will reanalyze the medical data Semmelweis collected. This project assumes that you are familiar with python and pandas DataFrames. You can learn the required skills in these courses:
- Intermediate Python for Data Science
- pandas Foundations
1.Meet Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis
2.The alarming number of deaths
3.Death at the clinics
4.The handwashing begins
5.The effect of handwashing
6.The effect of handwashing highlighted
7.More handwashing, fewer deaths?
8.A Bootstrap analysis of Semmelweis handwashing data
9.The fate of Dr. Semmelweis