This repository holds the base template for spring boot starter app which can be used for api development and testing. Swagger is enabled for quick api testing with H2 database (which is saved to a file , so there is continuity in the development and testing) To use this starter kit follow below steps
- Clone this project into your ide, preferably intelliJ.
- Import as gradle project
- Refresh gradle dependencies
- Run the SpringBootStarterApplication from the IDE (note it runs on 8080 by default, if that's ocuupied already try to add custom port in server.port=PORT_NO)
- Open a browser and try accessing http://localhost:8080/h2 login using db details mentioned in create database use EmployeeDDL.sql to create the sample table
- Open another tab in browser and try accessing http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html and play around the apis
- To build a jar run .\gradlew build from project root directory
- To run the jar navigate to projectrootdir\build\libs from terminal (where you will find SpringBootStarterKit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar) now run jar as java -jar SpringBootStarterKit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar