Project Title : AutSpot : Facial Expression Recognition for Mood Detection in Autistic Individuals

💻 Domain:

Computer Vision, Web Developement

📖 Tools & Technologies Used:

DALL E, Emotion recognition system, Html, Css, Figma, Open CV, Flask, MongoDb for database, Twilio, Python

📈 Project Overview:

Imagine being in a crowded, noisy place, feeling overwhelmed and stressed. For individuals with autism, this scenario can be particularly challenging due to their difficulties with sensory processing and emotional regulation. According to statistics, 1 in 59 American children are diagnosed with some form of autism. Creating safe space and handling emergencies requires common man to know more about episodic behavior.

This is where or app comes in- Introducing “Aut-Spot”, our system uses emotion recognition system to detect the emotions of the person having an episode. After detection the system, suggests techniques to help create a safe environment and regulate emotions. Medical records are entered at the time of sign in and with personalized music and image pattern generation, our application creates safe space to de-stress the person in real time. It also notifies the guardians with a quick sms that their ward has had an episode with emergency tracking through geo location. This application will help laymen to help people calm down during time of emergencies. Our application also helps in bringing together people with similar interests to achieve positive relationships and help in building safe environment.

Emotion recognition system is a pre trained AI model which can detect human emotions such as sad, angry, happy, surprised in real time. To play and personalize music we are using music cloud where the screen will be redirected to the page to play music which can help calm the person down. For generating virtual image patterns, Dall e is used. It produces images when text is passed through it. It creates unique and imaginative patterns from the text prompt. Demonstration Link: Autspot Demo Video.
