
This is a collection of Python projects i did in my grad school.


  1. -> This project uses basic commands from python Turtle Library and draws the patterns. The commands are given by users. The commands used are:
    (i) Forward(F) (ii) Backward(B) (iii) Left(L) (iv) Right(R) (v) Up(U) (vi) Down(D) (vii) iterate(I) (viii) Polygon(P)

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  1. -> This project uses turtle commands to draw the quilt patterns.

    Output SnapShot:

  2. SkyScrapers -> This folder consists of python file and Sample files which consists of test cases and output files. This project is to check whether the skyscrapers puzzle file given is valid or not.If valid, it returns true else it returns false and mentions the description of rule violated.

    Output SnapShot :

  3. Rescue Mission -> This folder consists of python files. This project is an implementation of a game called Rescue Mission , where one by one a soldier leave their bunker and enter the nearby enemy base. Upon entering an alarm is activated which causes the first guerrilla to leave their line and investigate. The guerrilla engages the soldier and one of two scenarios play out: (i). The soldier is victorious over the guerrilla and the guerrilla is vanquished. In this case, the soldier rescues the one hostage at the head of the cave and escorts them to a nearby chopper. Next, the soldier returns to the back of the bunker to await their next rescue attempt. (ii). The guerrilla is victorious and the soldier is vanquished. In this case, the one hostage attempting to be rescued adds themselves back to the head of the cave (effectively pushing the other hostages further into it) and the guerrilla returns to the end of the line to await their next encounter. The chopper can hold up to 6 passengers aligned in a single columns of seats. There is only one door to the chopper that is accessible by the passengers. When they enter the chopper, the occupy the seat closest to the door and any existing passengers move one seat down. In order to preserve fuel, the chopper will only fly the passengers away to safety if the chopper is full, returning immediately to pick up the next set of passengers. This will continue until the last group of people have been rescued. Unbenownst to the soldiers, an undetected alien spaceship has crashed into the same jungle area. One lifeform survived the crash - a ruthless creature known as the Predator. The Predator is the ultimate fighting machine. It is a beast who knows no mercy and hunts for game using its superior innate alien camoflauge and thermal tracking abilities.

    Thus a simulation of the rescue mission in which each soldier will try to rescue a hostage and take them to the chopper is implemented. During the mission, a soldier will fight againts a member of the guerrilla and the predator.

    Output Snapshot :

  4. IceMaze -> This folder consists of code files and test files. This project reads in a maze from files provided, constructs a graph,finds out from which squares you can escape, and for those squares from which you can escape, how quickly you can using Dijsktra's Algorithm. The output prints the number of steps in shortest escape and the path.

    Output SnapShot :

  5. Food Truck -> This folder consists of code files and datasets file. This project is to compute the optimal location of food truct with respect to various buildings. The optimal location is calculated using 2 different algorithms: (i). QuickSort (ii). QuickSelect Also, the time each algorithm takes to compute the optimal location is calculated.

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