
How to create a user registration form using nodejs and mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Programmer Blog: http://programmerblog.net

  • Source code for article on how to create a user registration form using nodejs and mongodb

  • You can read detailed tutorial on our blog: https://programmerblog.net/nodejs-user-registration-tutorial/

  • Install MongoDB First you need to install MongoDB on your system, Please visit MonogoDB site and download it.

  • Create a MongoDB database After MongoDB installation. Create a data/db directory - In windows c:/data/db

  • On command prompt, open MongoDB -> bin folder and run


  • Open another command prompt and open bin folder and type


  • Mongo shell is running, type

    use dbusers

  • Current databse will be changed to to db users.

  • install NodeJS Please visit NodeJS site and download installer, Install on your system, It also install NPM or Node Package Manager

  • Generate NodeJs, Express application Using Explress comman line tool to generate an application skeleton.

    express --view=pug nodejs-user-registration-mongodb

  • install required dependencies

    cd nodejs-user-registration-mongodb && npm install

  • Create a Model using mongoose A User Schema is created in a Models folder using Mongoose

  • Create a Form in Pug template engine Next a bootstrap based form is created so users can enter their information into the form and send it to server.

  • Create a Ajax JavaScript code to send data to server and receive response and display to user Using jQuery, An AJAX request is sent to server with data, Data is recevied in /Register Express route.

  • Create a Register route to receive, validate and save data to MongoDB database A register route is created, Ths route recevies posted data, validates and save it in mongoDB database.

  • To run the app:

    SET DEBUG=nodejs-user-registration-mongodb:* & npm start

  • To view runnign app Open browser and type the URL: http://localhost:3000

For detailed tutorial, visit
