When two or more galaxies are aligned perfectly down our line-of-sight, the background galaxy appears multiple times. This is called strong gravitational lensing, & PyAutoLens makes it simple to model strong gravitational lenses, like this one:
PyAutoLens is based on the following papers:
Adaptive Semi-linear Inversion of Strong Gravitational Lens Imaging
AutoLens: Automated Modeling of a Strong Lens's Light, Mass & Source
With PyAutoLens, you can begin modeling a lens in just a couple of minutes. The example below demonstrates a simple analysis which fits the foreground lens galaxy's mass & the background source galaxy's light.
import autofit as af
import autolens as al
import os
# In this example, we'll fit a simple lens galaxy + source galaxy system.
dataset_path = '{}/../data/'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
lens_name = 'example_lens'
# Get the relative path to the data in our workspace & load the imaging data.
imaging = al.imaging.from_fits(
image_path=dataset_path + lens_name + '/image.fits',
# Create a mask for the data, which we setup as a 3.0" circle.
mask = al.mask.circular(shape_2d=imaging.shape, pixel_scales=imaging.pixel_scales, radius=3.0)
# We model our lens galaxy using a mass profile (a singular isothermal ellipsoid) & our source galaxy
# a light profile (an elliptical Sersic).
lens_mass_profile = al.mp.EllipticalIsothermal
source_light_profile = al.lp.EllipticalSersic
# To setup our model galaxies, we use the GalaxyModel class, which represents a galaxy whose parameters
# are model & fitted for by PyAutoLens. The galaxies are also assigned redshifts.
lens_galaxy_model = al.GalaxyModel(redshift=0.5, mass=lens_mass_profile)
source_galaxy_model = al.GalaxyModel(redshift=1.0, light=source_light_profile)
# To perform the analysis we set up a phase, which takes our galaxy models & fits their parameters using a non-linear
# search (in this case, MultiNest).
phase = al.PhaseImaging(
galaxies=dict(lens=lens_galaxy_model, source=source_galaxy_model),
phase_name='example/phase_example', optimizer_class=af.MultiNest)
# We pass the imaging data and mask to the phase, thereby fitting it with the lens model above & plot the resulting fit.
result = phase.run(data=imaging, mask=mask)
We're building a PyAutoLens community on Slack, so you should contact us on our Slack channel before getting started. Here, I will give you the latest updates on the software & discuss how best to use PyAutoLens for your science case.
Unfortunately, Slack is invitation-only, so first send me an email requesting an invite.
PyAutoLens's advanced modeling features include:
- Galaxies - Use light & mass profiles to make galaxies & perform lensing calculations.
- Pipelines - Write automated analysis pipelines to fit complex lens models to large samples of strong lenses.
- Extended Sources - Reconstruct complex source galaxy morphologies on a variety of pixel-grids.
- Adaption - Adapt the lensing analysis to the features of the observed strong lens imaging.
- Multi-Plane - Perform multi-plane ray-tracing & model multi-plane lens systems.
- Visualization - Custom visualization libraries for plotting physical lensing quantities & modeling results.
Included with PyAutoLens is the HowToLens lecture series, which provides an introduction to strong gravitational lens modeling with PyAutoLens. It can be found in the workspace & consists of 5 chapters:
- Introduction - An introduction to strong gravitational lensing & PyAutolens.
- Lens Modeling - How to model strong lenses, including a primer on Bayesian non-linear analysis.
- Pipelines - How to build pipelines & tailor them to your own science case.
- Inversions - How to perform pixelized reconstructions of the source-galaxy.
- Hyper-Mode - How to use PyAutoLens advanced modeling features that adapt the model to the strong lens being analysed.
PyAutoLens comes with a workspace, which can be found here & which includes:
- Aggregator - Manipulate large suites of modeling results via Jupyter notebooks, using PyAutoFit's in-built results database.
- Config - Configuration files which customize PyAutoLens's behaviour.
- Dataset - Where data is stored, including example datasets distributed with PyAutoLens.
- HowToLens - The HowToLens lecture series.
- Output - Where the PyAutoLens analysis and visualization are output.
- Pipelines - Example pipelines for modeling strong lenses.
- Plot - Example scripts for customizing figures and images.
- Preprocessing - Tools for preprocessing data before an analysis (e.g. creating a mask).
- Quick Start - A quick start guide, so you can begin modeling your lenses within hours.
- Runners - Scripts for running a PyAutoLens pipeline.
- Simulators - Scripts for simulating strong lens datasets with PyAutoLens.
- Tools - Extra tools for using many other PyAutoLens features.
If you install PyAutoLens with conda or pip, you will need to download the workspace from the autolens_workspace repository, which is described in the installation instructions below.
PyAutoLens requires PyMultiNest & Numba.
We recommend installation using a conda environment as this circumvents a number of compatibility issues when installing PyMultiNest.
First, install conda.
Create a conda environment:
conda create -n autolens python=3.7 anaconda
Activate the conda environment:
conda activate autolens
Install multinest:
conda install -c conda-forge multinest
Install autolens (v0.38.4 is the most recent stable build):
pip install autolens==0.38.4
Clone autolens workspace & set WORKSPACE enviroment model:
cd /path/where/you/want/autolens_workspace
git clone https://github.com/Jammy2211/autolens_workspace
export WORKSPACE=/path/to/autolens_workspace/
Set PYTHONPATH to include the autolens_workspace directory:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/autolens_workspace/
Matplotlib uses the backend set in the config file autolens_workspace/config/visualize/general.ini:
backend = TKAgg
There have been reports that the default TKAgg backend causes crashes when running the test script below (either the code crashes without a error or your computer restarts). If this happens, change the config's backend until the test works (Qt5Agg has worked for new MACs).
You can test everything is working by running the example pipeline runner in the autolens_workspace
python3 /path/to/autolens_workspace/runners/beginner/no_lens_light/lens_sie__source_inversion.py
Installation is also available via pip (v0.38.4 is the most recent stable build), however there are reported issues with installing PyMultiNest that can make installation difficult, see the file INSTALL.notes
$ pip install autolens==0.38.4
Clone autolens workspace & set WORKSPACE enviroment model:
cd /path/where/you/want/autolens_workspace
git clone https://github.com/Jammy2211/autolens_workspace
export WORKSPACE=/path/to/autolens_workspace/
Set PYTHONPATH to include the autolens_workspace directory:
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/autolens_workspace
Matplotlib uses the backend set in the config file autolens_workspace/config/visualize/general.ini:
backend = TKAgg
There have been reports that the default TKAgg backend causes crashes when running the test script below (either the code crashes without a error or your computer restarts). If this happens, change the config's backend until the test works (Qt5Agg has worked for new MACs).
You can test everything is working by running the example pipeline runner in the autolens_workspace
python3 /path/to/autolens_workspace/runners/beginner/no_lens_light/lens_sie__source_inversion.py
If you're having difficulty with installation, lens modeling, or just want a chat, feel free to message us on our Slack channel.
If you have any suggestions or would like to contribute please get in touch.
The following papers use PyAutoLens:
Likelihood-free MCMC with Amortized Approximate Likelihood Ratios
Deep Learning the Morphology of Dark Matter Substructure
The molecular-gas properties in the gravitationally lensed merger HATLAS J142935.3-002836
Novel Substructure & Superfluid Dark Matter
Subaru FOCAS IFU observations of two z=0.12 strong-lensing elliptical galaxies from SDSS MaNGA
James Nightingale - Lead developer & PyAutoLens guru.
Richard Hayes - Lead developer & PyAutoFit guru.
Ashley Kelly - Developer of pyquad for fast deflections computations.
Amy Etherington - Magnification, Critical Curves and Caustic Calculations.
Xiaoyue Cao - Analytic Ellipitcal Power-Law Deflection Angle Calculations.
[Qiuhan He] - NFW Profile Lensing Calculations.
Nan Li - Docker integration & support.
Andrew Robertson - Critical curve & caustic calculations.
Mattia Negrello - Visibility models in the uv-plane via direct Fourier transforms.
Andrea Enia - Voronoi source-plane plotting tools.
Aristeidis Amvrosiadis - ALMA imaging data loading.