Task Master App is a ReactJs application which allows users to add tasks and handle them.
1 -> run npm install
to install all the packages as zip file will not contain node_modules
2 -> run npm start
to run the app in the local server
1-> The app allows users to add a task and mention its name, description, asignee name and priority
2-> When the task is added, it shows itself in the 'Pending Tasks column', as by default every new task is pending
3-> The task card gives us 3 buttons
4-> View button allows us to view the details of the tasks
5-> Delete button allows us to delete the task (except completed)
6-> Edit Button allows us to edit the status or priority or both of the task
7-> We can filter the tasks by assignee name, priority and date range. They can be applied in different combinations
8-> We can also sort the tasks based on the proiorities, start date or end date.