
My codewars solutions in Python.

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CodeWars Python Solutions

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Important! : These solutions for education purpose only. Don't directly use them on Codewars katas. Create your own solutions to learn more.

4kyu Katas

Kata(s) Solution(s) Subject CW Link
Human readable duration format 1 str, format, time link
Strip Comments 2 str, format link

5kyu Katas

Kata(s) Solution(s) Subject CW Link
First non-repeating character 1 str, search link
Greed is Good 1 int, array, dict, list, hashmap link
Human Readable Time 2 str, format, time link
Largest product in a series 1 int, math link
Moving Zeros To The End 1 array, list, sort link
Not very secure 2 str, valid, data types link
Pete, the baker 1 hashmap, dict, data types link
Scramblies 1 str, set, data types link
Simple Pig Latin 1 str, format link
String incrementer 1 str, format, regex link
Where my anagrams at? 2 str, array, list, anagram link
The Hashtag Generator 2 str, format link

6kyu Katas

Kata(s) Solution(s) Subject CW Link
+1 Array 1 array, list, data types link
Are you available? 1 array, list, time link
Array.diff 2 array, list, data types link
Arrh, grabscrab! 2 str, array, list, dict, search, data types link
Bit Counting 1 int, binary, data types link
Break camelCase 1 str, format, data types link
CamelCase Method 2 str, format, data types link
Character with longest consecutive repetition 1 str, format, list, array link
Christmas tree 1 str, format, list, array link
Convert string to camel case 2 str, format, data types link
Count characters in your string 1 str, dict, hashmap, data types link
Count letters in string 2 str, dict, hashmap, data types link
Count the smiley faces! 1 str, array, list, data types link
Counting Duplicates 1 str, dict, hashmap, data types link
Create Phone Number 2 str, format, array, list, data types link
Dashatize it 2 int, str, format link
Decode the Morse code 1 int, str, format, list, array, dict, hashmap link
Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times 1 format, array, list, sort link
Does my number look big in this? 1 int, math link
Duplicate Encoder 1 str, format, array, list link
Drunk friend 1 str, format, decode link
Easy Balance Checking 1 str, format, list, array link
Find the missing letter 1 str, array, list link
Find the Nexus of the Codewars Universe 1 dict, hashmap link
Find the odd int 1 array, list, search link
Find The Parity Outlier 1 array, list, search link
Find the unique number 1 array, list, int link
Format a string of names like 'Bart, Lisa & Maggie' 1 str, dict, hashmap, format link
Get recursion limit 1 recursion link
Highest Scoring Word 1 str, array, list link
IP Validation 2 str, int, array, list, format link
Meeting 2 str, array, list, format link
Mexican Wave 1 str, array, list, format link
More Zeros than Ones 1 str, binary, array, list, sort link
Mutual Recursion 1 recursion, math link
New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift 1 str, array, list, sort link
Pyramid Array 1 str, array, list link
Remove the parentheses 1 str, format, regex link
Replace With Alphabet Position 1 str, array, list, sort link
Replacement 2 int, array, list, sort link
Sequence convergence 1 int, array, list, count link
Simplify the number! 1 str, int, format link
Sort the odd 1 int, array, list, sort link
Split Strings 1 str, array, list link
String array duplicates 1 str, array, list, format link
String Breakers 2 str, array, list, format link
Stop gninnipS My sdroW! 1 str, array, list, format link
Sum of a Sequence (Hard-Core Version) 2 str, array, list, math link
Sum of Digits / Digital Root 2 int, math link
Sums of Parts 2 int, array, list link
Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ....¡Eureka!! 2 int, array, list, sort link
The Vowel Code 2 str link
Title Case 1 str, format link
Tracking Sums in a Process 2 list, array link
Turn String Input into Hash 1 list, array, str, format, dict, hashmap link
Unique In Order 1 str, array, list, sort link
Upside down numbers 1 str, array, list, dict, hashmap link
What will be the odd one out? 2 str, array, list, dict, sort link
Which are in? 1 str, array, list link
Write Number in Expanded Form 1 str, int, format link
Your order, please 2 str, format link

7kyu Katas

Kata(s) Solution(s) Subject CW Link
Anagram Detection 2 str, anagram link
Are the numbers in order? 1 str, sort link
ASCII letters from Number 1 str, format, ascii, array, list link
Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series # 1 ) 3 int, math link
Basic Sequence Practice 1 int, numbers, math, arithmetic, list, array link
Beginner Series # 3 Sum of Numbers 1 int, math link
Between Extremes 2 int, math, list link
Building Strings From a Hash 1 str, dict, hashmap, sort link
Calculate Meal Total 1 int, float, math link
Categorize New Member 1 str, array, list link
Ce-s-r-d Strings 1 str, format, list, array link
Char Code Calculation 1 str, array, list, arithmetic link
char_to_ascii 1 str, dict, hashmap link
Check digit 1 str, int, index link
Colour Association 1 str, dict, array, hashmap, list link
Coloured Triangles 1 str, format, control flow link
Combine objects 1 dict, hashmap link
Complete Series 1 list, array link
Complete The Pattern # 1 1 array, list, str link
Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No' 1 str, bool link
Convert Hash To An Array 1 array, list, dict, hashmap link
Count the divisors of a number 1 int, math link
Credit Card Mask 1 str, hashmap link
Decreasing Inputs 1 int, math array link
Descending Order 1 int, array, str, list, sort link
Dictionary from two lists 2 dict, hashmap, list, array link
Disemvowel Trolls 2 array, str, list link
Elevator Distance 2 int, array, list link
Exes and Ohs 2 str link
Find all occurrences of an element in an array 2 str link
Find the capitals 2 str, array, list link
Find the divisors! 2 array, list link
Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List 1 array, list link
Find the middle element 1 array, list link
Find the stray number 1 array, list link
Fix My Phone Numbers! 1 str, format link
Fizz Buzz 1 array, list link
Form The Largest 1 str, array, list link
Form The Minimum 2 str, array, list, dict, hashmap link
Four/Seven 1 dict, hashmap link
Frequency sequence 1 array, list, format, dict, hashmap link
Friend or Foe? 1 array, list link
Get the Middle Character 1 str, array, list link
Help Bob count letters and digits 1 str,array, list link
Hex Hash Sum 1 str,array, list, format link
Highest and Lowest 1 str,array, list link
How much will you spend? 1 array, list, dict, hashmap link
HTML Generator 2 str, format link
Inverting a Hash 1 dict, hashmap link
Is this a triangle? 1 int, math link
Isograms 2 str, array, list, dict, hashmap link
Jaden Casing Strings 1 str, format link
Keep the Order 1 int, sort, numbers, array, list link
Largest 5 digit number in a series 1 int, sort, numbers, array, list link
Largest Elements 1 int, sort, numbers, array, list link
Largest pair sum in array 1 array, list, sort link
List Filtering 1 str, int, sort, numbers, array, list link
Make a function that does arithmetic! 1 str, int, numbers, arithmetic link
Maximum Multiple 2 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Most sales 1 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Most valuable character 1 str, dict, hashmap, list, array, lambda link
Moves in squared strings (I) 1 str, sort, list, array link
Mumbling 1 str, format, list, array link
My Languages 1 dict, hashmap, list, array, sort, lambda link
Naughty or Nice 1 str, dict, hashmap, json link
No Loops 2 - You only need one 1 boolean, int, numbers link
Number Of Occurrences 1 int, numbers, list, array, search link
Number of People in the Bus 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Number to digit tiers 1 str, format, int, numbers, list, array link
Numbers in strings 1 str, format int, numbers, list, array link
Odd or Even? 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Ones and Zeros 1 int, numbers, list, array, binary link
Ordering the words! 1 str, sort, list, array link
Over The Road 1 math link
Pandemia 1 str link
Parts of a list 2 str, link, array, tuple link
Person Class Bug 1 class, oop, str link
Player Contact Manager 1 dict, hashmap, json, list, array link
Polydivisible Numbers 2 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Populate hash with array keys and default value 2 dict, hashmap, list, array, json link
Previous multiple of three 3 arithmetic, list, array link
Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series # 2) 1 list, array link
Re-organize the weapons! 1 dict, hashmap, format link
Recursion 101 1 recursion, math link
Refactored Greeting 1 str, class, oop link
Regexp Basics - is it a vowel? 1 str link
Remove anchor from URL 3 str, search, format link
Remove duplicate words 2 str, array, list, sort link
Remove the minimum 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Replace all items 1 str, format, int, numbers, list, array link
Responsible Drinking 1 str, format, int, numbers, list, array link
Return the closest number multiple of 10 2 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Reverse a Number 1 str, int, numbers, sort link
Reverse words 1 str, list, array, format link
Row Weights 3 list, array link
Search for letters 1 list, array, format, str link
Selective fear of numbers 1 str, control flow, numbers, int link
Shortest Word 1 str, list, array link
Simple consecutive pairs 1 list, array, loops, counter link
Square Every Digit 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Sort array by string length 3 str, list, array, sort link
Sort Out The Men From Boys 2 list, array, set, sort, lambda link
Sorting Dictionaries 1 list, array, tuple, dict, hashmap, sort, lambda link
Special Number (Special Numbers Series # 5) 2 int, number, list, array link
String ends with? 1 str, search link
String matchup 1 array, list, count link
STRONGN Strong Number (Special Numbers Series # 2) 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Sum it continuously 1 int, arithmetic, list, array link
Sum of angles 1 int, numbers, geometry link
Sum of Minimums! 2 int, numbers, list, array link
Sum of a sequence 2 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Sum of two lowest positive integers 1 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Summing a number's digits 1 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Summy 1 str, int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Swap items in a dictionary 1 dict, hashmap link
Testing 1-2-3 1 str, list, array, format link
The highest profit wins! 1 str, list, array link
Thinkful - Dictionary Drills: User contacts 1 dict, hashmap, list, array link
Triangle area 2 math, str, format, list, array link
Two Oldest Ages 1 int, numbers, list, array, sort link
Two to One 1 str, format, list, array, sort, set link
Unique string characters 1 str, format, list, array link
"Very Even" Numbers 2 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Vowel Count 2 str, search, list, array link
What time is it? 1 str, format, time link
Which triangle is that? 1 math, tuple, dict, hashmap link
Words to sentence 1 str, list, array, format link
Working with Dictionaries 3 dict, hashmap, list, array link

8kyu Katas

Kata(s) Solution(s) Subject CW Link
A Needle in the Haystack 1 str, search, list, array link
Abbreviate a Two Word Name 1 str, format, list, array link
All Star Code Challenge # 18 1 str link
altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe 1 str, format, list, array link
Are You Playing Banjo? 1 str, format link
Array plus array 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Basic Mathematical Operations 1 dict, hashmap, int, numbers, arithmetic link
Beginner - Reduce but Grow 1 int, numbers, arithmetic, list, array link
Beginner Series # 1 School Paperwork 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Beginner Series # 2 Clock 2 int, numbers, arithmetic, time link
Calculate average 1 list, array link
Calculate BMI 2 int, numbers, control flow link
Century From Year 2 int, numbers, control flow link
Classy Classes 1 class, oop, str, format link
Convert a Number to a String! 1 str, int link
Convert number to reversed array of digits 2 str, int, numbers, list, array link
Convert a string to an array 1 str, list, array link
Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software 3 str, format link
Convert a String to a Number! 1 str, int, numbers link
Count by X 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Count Odd Numbers below n 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Count of positives / sum of negatives 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Count the Monkeys! 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Do I get a bonus? 2 str, format link
Double Char 1 str, format, list, array link
Enumerable Magic # 25 - Take the First N Elements 1 list, array link
Even or Odd 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence 1 str, format link
Filling an array (part 1) 2 int, numbers, list, array link
Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List 1 list, array link
Find numbers which are divisible by given number 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Find the Difference in Age between Oldest and Youngest Family Members 1 int, numbers link
Find the first non-consecutive number 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Find the smallest integer in the array 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Function 1 - hello world 1 str link
get character from ASCII Value 1 str, ascii link
Get the mean of an array 1 list, array link
Grasshopper - Basic Function Fixer 1 function, arithmetic link
Grasshopper - Check for factor 1 str link
Grasshopper - Grade book 1 str, int, numbers, control flow link
Grasshopper - Messi goals function 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Grasshopper - Summation 1 int, numbers, list, array, arithmetic link
Gravity Flip 2 int, numbers, list, array, sort link
Hello, Name or World! 1 str, format link
How good are you really? 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all 1 str, list, array link
If you can't sleep, just count sheep!! 1 str, format, loops link
Invert values 1 int, numbers, list, array link
Is he gonna survive? 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Is the string uppercase? 1 str, format link
Jenny's secret message 1 str, format, control flow link
Job Matching # 1 2 dict, hashmap, math, arithmetic link
Incorrect division method 1 int, float, numbers, arithmetic link
Is n divisible by x and y? 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Keep Hydrated! 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Keep up the hoop 1 str, int, control flow link
L1: Bartender, drinks! 1 str, dict, hashmap, control flow link
L1: Set Alarm 1 str, control flow link
Leonardo Dicaprio and Oscars 1 str, int, control flow link
MakeUpperCase 1 str, format link
Multiply 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
N-th Power 1 list, array link
No Loops 2 - You only need one 1 list, array link
No zeros for heros 1 str, int, format, loops link
noobCode 01: SUPERSIZE ME.... or rather, this integer! 2 str, int, numbers, sort, list, array link
Opposite number 1 int, numbers link
Palindrome Strings 1 str, palindrome link
Parse nice int from char problem 1 str, int link
Pizza Comparison 1 int, math, arithmetic link
Polish alphabet 1 str, format, dict, hashmap, list, array link
Quarter of the year 1 list, array dict, hashmap, math link
Regex count lowercase letters 2 str, count link
Remove exclamation marks 1 str, format link
Remove First and Last Character 1 str, format link
Remove String Spaces 1 str, format link
Removing Elements 2 list, array link
Reversed Words 1 str, sort, list, array link
Return Negative 1 int, numbers, arithmetic link
Returning Strings 1 str, format link
Reversed sequence 1 int, numbers, list, array, sort link
Reversed Strings 2 str, format, list, array link
Sentence Smash 1 str, format, list, array link
Sort and Star 2 str, format, link, array link
Squash the bugs 2 str, list, array link
Square(n) Sum 1 int, numbers, math, arithmetic link
String repeat 1 str, format link
Stringy Strings 1 str, int, format link
Sum Arrays 1 list, array link
Sum Mixed Array 2 int, numbers, list, array link
Sum of positive 1 int, numbers, list, array, arithmetic link
Sum without highest and lowest number 1 str, format link
Swap Values 2 list, array, swap link
Switch it Up! 1 dict, hashmap, switch link
The Feast of Many Beasts 1 list, array link
The Wide-Mouthed frog! 1 str, control flow link
Thinkful - Dictionary drills: Order filler 1 dict, hashmap link
Third Angle of a Triangle 1 int, math, arithmetic link
Total amount of points 1 int, list, array, arithmetic link
Transportation on vacation 1 int, numbers, math, arithmetic link
Triple Trouble 2 str, array, list, format link
Unfinished Loop - Bug Fixing # 1 1 loops, bug link
Volume of a Cuboid 1 int, math, arithmetic link
Vowel remover 2 str, format, list, array link
What is between? 1 int, array, list link
Welcome! 2 str, dict, hashmap link
What's the real floor? 1 int, control flow link
Will there be enough space? 2 int, arithmetic link
Will you make it? 1 int, arithmetic link
You only need one - Beginner 1 list, array link