SpaceX Explorer

This is a project built with React, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and other technologies like to display data about SpaceX's rockets, capsules, and other assets. The data comes from SpaceX's open-source API.

About SpaceX

SpaceX is a private American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company founded in 2002 by Elon Musk. They have open-sourced their data, which is available at SpaceX Data.

Project Description

This project aims to build an interactive web application that utilizes the SpaceX Data API to provide information about SpaceX's various activities, missions, and assets.


  • A landing page displaying data about either Rockets or Capsules.
  • An authorized REST API built in PHP to fetch and send data between SpaceX and the app.
  • Search functionality for users to find capsules by status, original launch, and type.
  • A data grid with an elegant design and pagination displaying the right amount of data.
  • Responsive design that works across all screen sizes and browsers.

Main Components

Here's a list of the main components in the project:

  • App.js: This is the main component that renders the application.
  • components/: This directory contains various React components used throughout the application.
  • Contexts/: This directory contains the context provider used to share state across the application.
  • hooks/: This directory contains custom React hooks.
  • pages/: This directory contains the components for each page in the application.
  • testing/: This directory contains tests for the components.

In Depth Project Structure

Here's a brief description of the main directories and files in the project:

  • node_modules/: This directory contains all the Node.js packages (dependencies) for the project.
  • package-lock.json: An automatically generated file that is used to lock the versions of the project's dependencies.
  • package.json: A file that lists the project's dependencies and defines scripts for common tasks.
  • postcss.config.js: Configuration file for PostCSS, a tool for transforming CSS.
  • public/: This directory contains static files that are not processed by Webpack (the bundler used by Create React App).
  • src/: This directory contains all the JavaScript source code for the project.
    • App.js: The main component that renders the application.
    • index.js: The entry point for the application.
    • index.css: The main stylesheet for the application.
    • components/: Directory containing various React components used throughout the application.
      • Header.js: Renders the header of the application.
      • LoadingState.js: Renders a loading state when data is being fetched.
    • Contexts/: Directory containing the context provider used to share state across the application.
      • AuthProvider.js: Provides user authentication context.
    • hooks/: Directory containing custom React hooks.
      • useCapsuleSearch.js: Provides a function for searching capsules.
      • useCompany.js: Fetches and provides company information.
      • useFetch.js: A generic hook for fetching data.
      • useRoutes.js: Handles routing.
    • pages/: Directory containing the components for each page in the application.
      • Capsules.js: Renders information about capsules.
      • Cores.js: Renders information about cores.
      • Crew.js: Renders information about crew members.
      • Dragons.js: Renders information about dragons.
      • Error.js: Renders error messages.
      • Homepage.js: Renders the homepage.
      • Landpads.js: Renders information about landing pads.
      • Launches.js: Renders information about launches.
      • Launchpads.js: Renders information about launch pads.
      • MissionLaunch.js: Renders information about specific missions.
      • Payloads.js: Renders information about payloads.
      • RecentMissions.js: Renders information about recent missions.
      • Roadster.js: Renders information about the Roadster.
      • Rockets.js: Renders information about rockets.
      • Ships.js: Renders information about ships.
      • SingleCrew.js: Renders detailed information about a specific crew member.
      • SingleDragon.js: Renders detailed information about a specific dragon.
      • SingleLandPad.js: Renders detailed information about a specific landing pad.
      • SingleLaunch.js: Renders detailed information about a specific launch.
      • SingleLaunchPad.js: Renders detailed information about a specific launch pad.
      • SingleRocket.js: Renders detailed information about a specific rocket.
      • SingleShip.js: Renders detailed information about a specific ship.
      • Starlink.js: Renders information about Starlink.
    • testing/: Directory containing tests for the components.
      • Header.test.js: Contains tests for the Header component.
  • tailwind.config.js: Configuration file for Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework.
  • This file, which provides an overview of the project.

Installation and Usage

To run this project, you'll need Node.js and npm installed on your computer. From your command line:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory: cd spacex-project
  3. Install the project dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the project: npm start The project should now be running at localhost:3000.


To run the tests for the components, use the following command:

npm test

Contribution and Issues

Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting a pull request. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


This project is part of a technical assignment and is confidential. Please do not share or distribute the code.