Pinned Repositories
Implementation of some graph algorithm and Process Scheduling Algorithm (operating system) in C programming language.
Chit-Chat is a WebApp writen in JAVA Servlets, & JSP (Java Server Pages), that provides a venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time. Forums and discussion groups, in comparison, allow users to post messages but don't have the capacity for interactive messaging.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Coin Market is an end-to-end web application that has been written on Java-Jersey(Backend) & AngularJS(FrontEnd). this application allows user to check the status of the cryptocurrency that has been marked by the user as favourite.
fileCoDoc is a tool to collect file from different directories to one folder and has abality to export ascii-text files into single file.
HTS Shell is a web terminal, that provides a bunch of command those are similar to linux commands. this shell is part of my portfolio and can be accessed through ( link.)
E-marketplace is the microservice based e-commerce, where the items for puchase uploaded by the administrator and all the uploaded items will appear to the customes for purchase.
This repository contain Examples of MongoDB-JDBC's program to perform basic operation.
Online Deal Finder is a platform that caters to two types of users, buyers and sellers. Using our Web-App/Portal a buyer can look for sellers with deals according to their geographic location at any point of time. A seller can make a profile and upload pictures and necessary details about their products. Once a buyer and seller finalize a deal. That particular product will no more appear in the list of products. The seller and the buyer can also communicate via our WebApp.
harshitsharmahts's Repositories
This repository contain Examples of MongoDB-JDBC's program to perform basic operation.
Implementation of some graph algorithm and Process Scheduling Algorithm (operating system) in C programming language.
Chit-Chat is a WebApp writen in JAVA Servlets, & JSP (Java Server Pages), that provides a venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time. Forums and discussion groups, in comparison, allow users to post messages but don't have the capacity for interactive messaging.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Coin Market is an end-to-end web application that has been written on Java-Jersey(Backend) & AngularJS(FrontEnd). this application allows user to check the status of the cryptocurrency that has been marked by the user as favourite.
fileCoDoc is a tool to collect file from different directories to one folder and has abality to export ascii-text files into single file.
HTS Shell is a web terminal, that provides a bunch of command those are similar to linux commands. this shell is part of my portfolio and can be accessed through ( link.)
E-marketplace is the microservice based e-commerce, where the items for puchase uploaded by the administrator and all the uploaded items will appear to the customes for purchase.
Online Deal Finder is a platform that caters to two types of users, buyers and sellers. Using our Web-App/Portal a buyer can look for sellers with deals according to their geographic location at any point of time. A seller can make a profile and upload pictures and necessary details about their products. Once a buyer and seller finalize a deal. That particular product will no more appear in the list of products. The seller and the buyer can also communicate via our WebApp.
This repository contain some JavaFx Application, those i have created only for fun.
This repository contains some programs which i have written to understand the concept of programming languages. [ :-)