
Implementation of various algorithms and data structures for ECSE202L Algorithm and Complexity 4th semester

Primary LanguageJava

ECSE202L - Algorithm and Complexity Assignments

Implementation of various algorithms and data structures using Java

Language Used



  1. Linear Search and Binary Search
  2. Stack and Queue using Array
  3. Bubble sort, Selection sort and Insertion sort
  4. Merge sort
  5. Quick sort
  6. Fractional Knapsack Problem using Greedy Algorithm
  7. Dynamic Programming - Fibonacci sequence (Memoization & Tabulation), Matrix Chain Multiplication, LCS (Longest Common Subsequence)
  8. Kruskal and Prim’s Algorithm
  9. Floyd Warshall and Bellman Ford algorithm.
  10. Rabin Karp Algorithm and Knuth Moriss Pratt Algorithm