šŸ›¢Backend README

This repository contains the backend code for a web application, providing various API endpoints. The application is built using Express, TypeScript, MongoDB, and other related technologies.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • API Endpoints
  • Project Structure
  • Configuration
  • Scripts
  • Dependencies
  • Development Dependencies
  • License
  • Author
  • Repository


1.Clone the repository from GitHub:

   git clone https://github.com/integration-tech/backend.git

2.Install dependencies:

   npm install

3.Create a .env file in the root directory and set the required environment variables. Refer to the .env.example file for reference.


To start the server, run the following command:

   npm start

This will start the server at http://localhost:8001/.

For development with automatic restart on code changes, you can use:

   npm run dev

API Endpoints

  • GET /:

    • Returns a simple "Hello World!" message.
  • POST /register:

    • Registers a user.
  • GET /student-details:

    • Retrieves student details.

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains the source code.
    • api/v1/:
      • controllers/: Contains controller logic for different routes.
      • models/: Defines MongoDB models.
      • routers/: Defines API routes using Express Router.
    • index.ts: Entry point of the application.


The application uses the dotenv library for environment variable configuration. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:



  • npm start: Start the server using ts-node.
  • npm run build: Build the TypeScript code using tsc.
  • npm run dev: Start the server in development mode using nodemon.


  • Express: Web framework for Node.js.
  • Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • jsonwebtoken: JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation.
  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • body-parser: Middleware to parse incoming request bodies.

Development Dependencies

  • typescript: TypeScript compiler.
  • ts-node: TypeScript execution environment for Node.js.
  • nodemon: Monitor for changes and automatically restart the server.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

