
+210.000 installs ⬇️ Theme for Visual Studio Code inspired by Vue.js, with support for more popular languages, trying to maintain a perfect harmony of colors.

MIT LicenseMIT

Visual Studio Marketplace Version Rating The MIT License

Example running

Built With

  • vscode - VS Code editor
  • yo code - Extension Generator
  • vsce - Publishing Tool Reference


  1. Open Extensions sidebar panel in VS Code: View → Extensions
  2. Search for Vue Theme - by Mario Rodeghiero
  3. Click Install to install it.
  4. Click Reload to reload the your editor
  5. Code > Preferences > Color Theme > Vue Theme

Color Palette

Palette Hex
Background #002b36
Active Border #19f9d8
selectionBackground #46494d87
Foreground #e6e6e6
Comment #8a8787
Cyan #09cbdd
Green #19f9d8
Orange #ff5622de
Pink #f48fb1
Red #ee475e
Yellow #ffcc95


Many thanks to all the people who contribute to this project:


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Support this project by becoming a sponsor and your image with a link to your website.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Roberto Achar - For some ideas that helped me to develop this theme.