
A solution that helps students to quickly go through the lecture and understand the key points by gerating notes and mind maps from the lecture transcripts.

Create notes from transcripts

You can run the following command to create notes from :


, this will create from transcripts in transcript.txt notes stored in generated-notes.txt file.

Create mindmaps from notes

You can run the following command to create a mindmap from a note file:

python' '-i' 'generated-notes.txt' '-t' 'Lecture 3: File systems' '-c' 'Foundational data management' '-mt' '3' '-th' '4' '-fo' 'filtered-relations.txt' '-o' 'generated-relations.txt' '-mf' 'mind_maps'


  • -i : The file containing the notes to extract triples from
  • -t : The title of the lecture
  • -c : The name of the class
  • -mt : The maximum number of triples per short note to extract
  • -th : The threshold for the frequency of entities to keep in the extracted triples
  • -o : The file to write the extracted triples to
  • -fo : The file to write the extracted triples to
  • -mf : The folder to save the generated mindmaps

Two types of mind maps are generated:

  • Augmented mind maps: the whole lecture will be summarized in each of these maps. Our framework generate mindmaps in different styles: "dot", "neato", "fdp", "sfdp", "twopi", "circo"

    Style Mind map
    twopi twopi
    circo circo
    fdp fdp
    sfdp sfdp
    neato neato
    dot dot
  • Individual maps: these show local maps of the mind map, each focusing on a specific topic:

    Topic Mind map
    Data Data
    Data Data
    Hard Disk Drives Hard Disk Drives
    Latency Latency