This sets up a pod with ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana that is run as a StatefulSet with persistent storage.
Filebeat is run on each node as a DaemonSet.
To set up, first install the elk
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f namespace-elk.json
Then install the storage class.
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f sc.yaml
Then install the elk pod and services.
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f elk-deployment.yaml
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f logstash-service.yaml
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f kibana-service.yaml
Finally install the filebeat daemon.
kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -f filebeat-daemonset.yaml
To load kibana you have to ssh tunnel to any of the nodes.
ssh -L30601: -N occ-dev-kube
and then point your web-browser to