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8 Puzzle Problem using A* Algorithm in Python
BMI Calculator
Final commit
100% Kotlin Android ApplicationDeveloped an 100% Kotlin Android application for City search weather and news. The application is built on MVVM Architecture, Multiple API calls with Retrofit -Kotlin Coroutines, Okhttp and GSON parsing, LiveData, Koin Dependency Injection, Google’s Material Design, SharePreferences.
The app will enable the user to select the news channels and will display the list of news for the selected news source. The users can select the news of interest and the article will be displayed in a new WebView.
Developed a fully dynamic content sharing web application, using Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, and MongoDB. 'Plant a Tree' meets the MVC design pattern with EJS template pages for the presentation, routes for the controller and JavaScript data objects for the business logic. The Project also handles each user Session, Login, Logout, Authentication, handling POST/GET requests, Handling Input Validation and Object-Oriented Concepts. The logged-in users have the facility of adding, saving, editing, removing and rating bonsai plant details, with the logged activity saved in Mongoose when user logout.
Jetpack Compose QuizMeApp Android Application
Developed a Movie Search Application using the Movie Database API. You can search any movie and display the search results. User can view the details of the selected movie.
Built a complex, scalable, modular Notes Application using MVVM Architecture and AndroidX Libraries. The application uses Room, SQLite, LiveData to store and sync notes. The application uses Coroutine calls with Toothpick dependency injection.
Plan a trip to any destination using the Trip Planner Android Application, Add/Edit/Remove members to the trip. Chat with all the members of the trip. Discover new members/ Existing members. View Trips planned by friends and join them!
harshkv's Repositories
8 Puzzle Problem using A* Algorithm in Python
Developed a fully dynamic content sharing web application, using Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, and MongoDB. 'Plant a Tree' meets the MVC design pattern with EJS template pages for the presentation, routes for the controller and JavaScript data objects for the business logic. The Project also handles each user Session, Login, Logout, Authentication, handling POST/GET requests, Handling Input Validation and Object-Oriented Concepts. The logged-in users have the facility of adding, saving, editing, removing and rating bonsai plant details, with the logged activity saved in Mongoose when user logout.
Built a complex, scalable, modular Notes Application using MVVM Architecture and AndroidX Libraries. The application uses Room, SQLite, LiveData to store and sync notes. The application uses Coroutine calls with Toothpick dependency injection.
100% Kotlin Android ApplicationDeveloped an 100% Kotlin Android application for City search weather and news. The application is built on MVVM Architecture, Multiple API calls with Retrofit -Kotlin Coroutines, Okhttp and GSON parsing, LiveData, Koin Dependency Injection, Google’s Material Design, SharePreferences.
The app will enable the user to select the news channels and will display the list of news for the selected news source. The users can select the news of interest and the article will be displayed in a new WebView.
Plan a trip to any destination using the Trip Planner Android Application, Add/Edit/Remove members to the trip. Chat with all the members of the trip. Discover new members/ Existing members. View Trips planned by friends and join them!
BMI Calculator
Built an Android Application using a single Main Activity and multiple fragments. The Fragments communicate between other Fragments and Activity.Information is saved using SharedPreferences using GSON Library.
A Music Search Application in Android, using the Musix search API, for listing all songs in recyclerView. Users can select songs of interest to look up on the lyrics.
In Photo Gallery application, by making RESTful API Calls that retrieves a text file containing a dictionary of keywords and image URLs related to the associated keyword. The application calls for 3 Async tasks, for loading the keywords which are displayed in AlertDialog, loading content, and loading each image URL.
Built an Android Application that replicates a Notes Application using Room, SQlite, LiveData, MVVM Design pattern,Recycler View, Grid Layout
Jetpack Compose QuizMeApp Android Application
Developed a Movie Search Application using the Movie Database API. You can search any movie and display the search results. User can view the details of the selected movie.
Built an Android Applciation, that makes RESTful API calls to the Apple top paid applications. Performed JSON parsing on retrieved data. Displayed using custom built ListView Adapter.
Portfolio Website
Developed an Android Movie Database, using the firebase firebox. Users can perform all CRUD operations, Add new movies to the Fire Store database, Edit, Delete, OrderBy. Data passing through Intent, Serializable.
Android Project
It is a mock pizza delivery Application, for users to select multiple toppings using Android FlexLayout,Views and Dynamic ImageView. The application has two Activities and data is passed through intents. Users can select toppings through alert Dialog, checkout/ clear. The final bill is populated.
Using android threads and threadPool
Using android threads and threadPool
implement a visual analytic system for taxi trajectory data that support data exploration and analytical reasoning with interactive visual interfaces. The system should help the user to conduct visual analytics tasks through an iterative, exploratory process.
Weather Forecast for all cities in the United States using the Open Weather Map API