Python Programming Assignment to Create Book Store

The goal of the assignment is to write some software that would assist in the tracking of stock in a bookstore. The data will be entered, processed and then ultimately analysed. The assignment will get progressively more complex as it proceeds - the early stages will be reasonably straight forward and will be sufficient for a passing grade, and the more advanced stages are for those who wish to go further and target a higher overall result. As a general rule, to pass you will need to complete Stage 1, Stage 2 & Stage 3. Completing Stage 4 should gain a High Distinction, noting that we will be considering commenting and how well it meets the specifications in determining the grade.

Source Code - GitHub

How to run this Book Store App/Program?

  • Download the zip file from the repository
  • Extract the zip file
  • Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where the files are extracted
  • Run the command python3 to run the program
  • Follow the instructions on the terminal to use the program