
Project for MA2142 Regression Analysis : Predicting Overall Rating for FIFA2019 Dataset using only Linear Regression based techniques. RMSE = 0.11

Primary LanguageR


Predicting Overall Rating for FIFA 2019 Dataset using only Linear Regression based techniques

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Used All Numerical Features except Potential Rating for predicting Overall Rating.

Scores :

Adjusted R^2 = 0.90
RMSE = 0.11

Link to Kaggle R Notebook

Visualize first 100 Predictions :

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Process :

Removed Multicollinear Features, tested Global and Individual Significance Hypotheses.
Residual Analysis Plots - 1. Residuals vs Fitted 2. QQ Plot 3. Scale Location 4. Residuals vs Leverage
Residuals Look like Normal Distribution, but Shapiro-Wilk test rejects it. Shown that this is expected by simulating Shapiro-Wilk Test that rejects Random Normal Variables with slight deviation for n=5000 dataset.
Used the BoxCox transformation on y to stabilize variance, removing Outliers detected using Leverage, Cook's Distance, DFBETAS, DFFITS, and COVRATIO techniques, then retrained model.
Also implemented olssr Model Selection Techniques- Backward Elimination, Stepwise Elimination, Step Back AIC, Step Forward AIC.