

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About us :

Sauchalaya.in is first of its kind web portal that lists availability of public toilets ready to use which helps travelers and citizens to get helped in crucial situation.

It provides real-time availability of toilets. It is user-friendly.

The chat Bots feature is provided so one can easily locate nearby toilet.

How to use?

Pre-requirements :

  • node js , git bash

Steps to install sauchalaya.in :

App preview :

Nearby search: alt text

Add Data Screen : alt text

Feedback Screen : alt text

Messenger Bot : alt text

Dynamic chip :

alt text

Features :

  • User can Add/Update data
  • User can Review data
  • Can show realtime availability
  • User can Feedback/Rate the system
  • It is multi-langual system

For more info contact :