Table of Contents


  • A MERN Stack based Social Media platform where a user will be able to upload status of their life, communicate with their friends, react to their posts and so many things.


  • MERN Stack [NodeJs: v17.9.0]
  • Cloudinary API
  • React-Redux


  • Git
  • VSCode
  • MongoDB Compass
  • Postman API

.env file

  • Before you start your project, please make sure to have .env file at backend/ location.
  • your .env file must contain the following parameters
DB_PASS=**password of MongoDB User**
DB_USER=**Name of MongoDB User**

EMAIL_NAME=**Gmail to send E-mails to clients**
EMAIL_PASS=**Password Generated by Google for Nodemailer for the above account**

DEFAULT_PROFILE_PIC=**A public URL to display default picture**

**Below details you have to fill from cloudinary Dashboard by setting up an account**
CLOUD_NAME=**From Dashboard**
CLOUD_API_KEY=**From Dashboard**
CLOUD_SECRET_KEY=**From Dashboard**


  • To run this project, Download the project and install all Dependencies locally using npm i in both folders backend and backend/frontend. Ensure that you're in backend/ directory
npm i
cd frontend
npm i
  • Then, start the project with npm start in backend & frontend folders consequently.

Preview of Project

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