
A complete P2P MERN stack chat web application running on socket.io server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Talk-a-tive is a Full Stack Chatting App. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database.

Tech Stack

Client: React JS

Server: Node JS, Express JS

Database: Mongo DB



Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/piyush-eon/mern-chat-app

Go to the project directory

  cd mern-chat-app

Install dependencies

  npm install
  cd frontend/
  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Start the Client

  //open now terminal
  cd frontend
  npm start



Real Time Chatting with Typing indicators

One to One chat

Search Users

Create Group Chats


Add or Remove users from group

View Other user Profile

Made By